PR CV Advice
How to market yourself through your PR CV
Laura Sullivan at TopCV, the largest CV-writing service in the world, shares her advice on how to ensure your PR CV captures the attention of your dream employer. -
How to tailor your CV for a PR manager role
Make sure your PR management CV captures employers' attention with this advice from TopCV. -
Laura Sullivan at TopCV shares her advice on how to ensure your PR CV captures the attention of your dream employer
Neville Rose, director at CV Writers, offers his tips for tailoring your CV for a public sector PR job
5 CV blunders and how to avoid them
Neville Rose, director at CV Writers, shares his CV tips for PR professionals -
Neville Rose, director at CV Writers, answers our reader's career dilemma on how to get CVs through applicant tracking systems.
Neville Rose at CV Writers answers our reader's dilemma on moving back to agency work after working in-house
CV Writing Service for PR Professionals
A professionally written CV will open doors. Get a FREE CV review from our CV writing partners….
Why writing a cover letter counts
Top tips to help you further your PR career
Following #SecretTop150, Dean Connelly provides his top PR careers advice -
Neville Rose, director of CV Writers, answers the fourth in a series of CV career dilemmas
Neville Rose, director of CV Writers, answers the third in a series of CV career dilemmas
Neville Rose, director of CV Writers, answers the second in a series of CV career dilemmas
Neville Rose, Director of CV Writers, answers the first in a series of CV career dilemmas
CV services for PR professionals
Get the most out of your CV with these tailored packages -
A discussion on how the PR industry is changing and how it has affected clients' expectations.